#OTD 28 October – Wilson and the other Hughes

The 1916 presidential campaign saw the appearance on the campaign trail, or perhaps track, of the Hughes special, a train of women supporting Hughes. It was not all easy going. The Topeka State Journal for 28 October 1916 reported ox-gall in a Kansas City auditorium – “KC auditorium reeking with odor for Republicans” – and… Continue reading #OTD 28 October – Wilson and the other Hughes

#OTD 11 October

Division among the three Abrahamic beliefs has riddled much of European and Asian history. Alongside this divisions are the necessarily parochial but still huge divides within each belief. Western Christians may be aware of the Sunni and Shia systems of Islam and of the debates between the Orthodox and the Reform Jew; others may not… Continue reading #OTD 11 October

#OTD 10 October

10 October 1911 is a key day of the 20th century; on that day, the Wuchang Uprising against the Qing took place; from it sprang the Xinhai Revolution that overthrew the imperial dynasty; and from that sprang the Republic of China. It is here that things become somewhat political. The People’s Republic of China, that… Continue reading #OTD 10 October

#OTD 9 October

For good reasons both historical and geographical, the US and Russia have had some interest in the nations of Europe’s deep north. 9 October is Leif Erikson Day in the US; in the words of President Biden’s proclamation for the 2021 celebration: The voyage of Leif Erikson and his valiant crew — bold explorers from… Continue reading #OTD 9 October

#OTD 7 October

The Republic of Venice was a sovereign state for over a thousand years, a maritime empire whose end only came with the opening of new trade routes and a New World. On 7 October 1403, a Venetian fleet defeated the then French controlled Genoese at the Battle of Modon, the Peloponnesian town now known as… Continue reading #OTD 7 October