#OTD 8 January – Democrat/ic Day

8 January is a day for the US Democratic Party. It was founded on this day in 1828, 26 years before the Republican Party.

For those curious about the party’s reputation for matters economic, on 8 January 1835 the party’s first president, Andrew Jackson, announced a dinner to celebrate the reduction of the US national debt to $0, 20 years to the day after he led the US forces to victory over the British at the Battle of New Orleans.

For those curious about the party’s reputation in matters international, on 8 January 1918 US Democratic President Wilson announced his Fourteen Points.

For those curious about the party’s reputation in matters domestic, on 8 January 1964 Democratic President Lyndon B Johnson used his first State of the Union Message to declare “unconditional war on poverty in America.”

For those curious about the party’s reputation on gender, on 8 January 1974 Ella Tambussa Grasso became the first woman to be elected governor of a US state without having been the spouse or widow of a former governor.

For those unfamiliar with the distinction between “Democrat Party”, an epithet used by Republicans, and the true name, consider the correct analysis by Republican President Donald Trump, who was frequently compared to the aforementioned President Jackson. In 2018, he told a rally:

But let me just tell you, the Democrats, we call them the Democrat Party. You know why? The Democratic Party sounds too good. It sounds better, doesn’t it?

If you’ve only seen the movie…

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